Jeep Wave Day 2015


May 7th is National Jeep Wave Day and that’s just around the corner! Why May 7th you ask?

  • 5 – Most people #JeepWave with their hands and most people have five fingers on each hand, so we picked May, being the fifth month of the year.
  • 7 – Jeep is iconic for its front headlights and grille, which has 7 slots in it, so we chose the 7th day of May.
  • 5 fingers waving at the 7 slot grille. = 5/7 each year! Now you know!

Last year, through social media, Jeep events, and personal interactions, we estimate that the word about Jeep Wave Day reached just over 10,000 people. The year before, we reached more than 6,000 people. So, we’re being ambitious and shooting to reach more than 12,000 this year. But, we’ll need everyone’s help, especially with less than a week left until Jeep Wave Day!

Please share with your social media connects on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ and anything else we haven’t caught up with yet! Sharing pictures is great, linking people to this post, and #Hashtags always spread awareness #JeepWaveDay2015

Thanks to all the loyal followers and those who are always throwing out the Jeep Wave!

Memorial Day 2014

We simply want to say thank you to all those who have served and perished protecting the freedoms we hold dear in the USA. Please have a reflective and appreciative Memorial Day and be sure to thank a service member for their sacrifice and the sacrifice of those who fought and did not return. Instead of succumbing to discounts, deals, and the like today, consider donating to the Wounded Warrior Project.


As is tradition here at…a solemn “Jeep Wave” as tribute from a superhero to the REAL Heroes.

Jeep Wave Man

Jeep Wave Day 2014



May 7th every year is your chance to spread the word about the #JeepWave. Yes, every day should be Jeep Wave Day, but we all know how frustrating it is to see another Jeep, throw out your hand, and get nothing but a blank stare in return. So, we aim to change that!

Last year, through social media, Jeep events, and personal interactions, we estimate that they word about Jeep Wave Day reached 6,000+ people. The year before, we reached more than 5,000 people. So, we’re ambitious and shooting to reach more than 10,000 this year and we think that should be easy. But, we’ll need everyone’s help!

We’ve only got a week left until Jeep Wave Day!

Please share with your social media connects on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ and anything else we haven’t caught up with yet! Sharing pictures is great, linking people to this post, and #Hashtags always spread awareness #JeepWaveDay2014

Thanks to all the loyal followers and those who are always throwing out the Jeep Wave!


Go Topless Day 2011

Headed out with the South Park 4×4 Club here in Colorado to hit some trails and drop the tops for Go Topless Day 2011. Supposed to be nice in the morning, then turn into a mud-fest. We’ll see what happens. Stay tuned for some pictures and some Jeep Waves in action. Share your stories if you join any Go Topless Day celebrations around the country.